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What's new at 2022 Korea Public Procurement EXPO?
Buyer meeting for market support of SME's
Buyer meeting allow participants' benefit from 1:1 meeting with purchasing officers and planners from public agencies.
Various education programs - Seminars, Mas system, etc.
Understanding of MAS system (hosted by Government Procurement Multiple Award Schedule Association (GMASA))
Certification is granted by Government Procurement Multiple Award Schedule Association (GMASA) to person who complete 8 hour-long "Understanding of MAS system" program
KOPPEX boasts differentiated composition of exhibition halls and awards excellent exhibitors
Items are displayed in a visually distinctive manner by using colors and banners
Excellent exhibitors are selected by public purchasing officers and announced during KOPPEX period.
More than 100 foreign buyers from diverse countries, foreign government officials, and ambassadors are invited to the EXPO and buyer meeting will be held.
Buyers from U.S.A, China, Japan and other countries.
Information on the status of public procurement market, policies and e-procurement system in Korea is provided and opportunities to interact with excellent SMEs are offered.
KOPPEX enhances interest and understanding on government procurement through direct and indirect experiences; providing e-Procurement system demonstration and selling products at procurement price.
Basic directions
(Government) KOPPEX supports companies participating in the exhibition in finding sales channel and raises awareness of government policies in procurement
(General visitor) KOPPEX helps people to enhance the understanding on the Public Procurement Service through indirect and direct procurement experiences
(Purchasing Office) KOPPEX provides a variety of purchase information on public goods which are required for the various projects
(Participating companies) KOPPEX provides opportunities for companies to expand the sales channel and learn about the current trend in the government procurement market
(Foreign buyers and foreign government officials) KOPPEX introduces patterns and policies in public procurement market of Korea