Korea Public Procurement EXPO, the biggest G2B exhibition in Korea

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Korea Public Procurement EXPO, the biggest G2B exhibition in Korea

The Public Procurement Service of the Korean Government brings domestic and international participants together in exciting 3-day market place. The 21th Korea Public Procurement EXPO (KOPPEX) is the government suppliers' trade show featuring the latest products, cutting-edge technologies. KOPPEX 2021 will provide a valuable opportunity for every purchasing officer to exchange practical information and also offer the most current information on products with outstanding quality.

Results Korea Public Procurement EXPO


Korea Public Procurement Expo 2021


Realization of creative economy through public procurement such as support ICT convergence industry and Bud businesses

To activate the economy by providing market place to excellent product company and SMEs.

To support excellent public procurement product through global business matching


Sept. 29th(Wed) ~ Oct. 1st(Fri), 2021


KINTEX Hall 4~5(21,384§³), Goyang, Korea

Hosted by

Public Procurement Service, Korea(PPS)

Gyeonggi Province

Goyang City

Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business

Organized by

Government Excellent Products Association


Korea Multiple Award Schedule Association

Korea Government Performance Assured company Export Promotion Association

Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership

Sponsored by

Ministry of Strategy and Finance

Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Ministry of Environment

Small and Medium Business Administration

Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea

Korea health Industry Development Institute

Media Sponsored by



The Korea Economic Daily